BIAS Transformer T203, and Associated Circuitry
The replacement Peter Dahl transfomer! It took 2-1/2 months from initiating the order, until delivery. I made the actual purchase through Digi-Key, who provided the customer-facing fulfilment for Hammond. The transfomer also includes a 12.6VAC (at 800ma continuous commercial service) winding, which is used for three distinct purposes within the 30S-1:
- the AC voltage from this winding powers the incandescent dial and meter bulbs
- rectified and filtered DC runs through the HV-interlock circuit
- rectified and filtered DC is used to operate the Antenna Relays (when an external short-to-ground occurs - often an Amp T/R relay inside the exciter)
T203 installed, laced and soldered into it's new home!
When I look at the previous T203, especially the type of insulation and the under-chassis un-laced wiring, it makes me wonder if my burned T203 was already a replacement...? Hmmm... I will thoroughly check each and every circuit associated with this transformer, because it seems possible that this BIAS transformer, in this amp, has been an on-going issue. I intend to firmly quash all the problems now!