CR216 and BIAS Multi-Metering

From Collins 30S-1 HF Amplifier
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Working around the panel switches led me to examine CR216. The old-school top-hat rectifier probably had 6-decades of mileage under it's belt, and carrier-recombination likely softened it. Replace! I still had 1N4005's on-hand... Once removed, CR216 exhibited 3.2-ohms in both directions - it was completely useless as a diode, and vindicated my decision to update it!

Dead cr216.jpg

Collins added this diode CR216 and some associated components with Service Bulletin SB-1, Jun 21/61.

The new CR216. I also checked the associated resistors. These follow Collins' Service Bulletin SB-1 (1961). I wonder if previous owners may have seen crazy grid-metering?

1n4005 replacement cr216.jpg

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